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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2009
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:         D. Lindberg, C. Stanovich, W. Ritter, O. Lies, M. Wronski, Jeffrey Head

Members Absent: A. Bonofiglio

Others Present: T. Settles, CMRCP, D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:00 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

New Member: Jeffrey Head was introduced as a new member of the Planning Board.

OPEN SPACE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN BY-LAW, CMRPC - Continued Board Discussion & Review of Draft: T. Settles gave an over-view of the By-Law process for the benefit of Jeffrey Head, new member of the Planning Board.

T. Settles informed the Board that the Town of Millbury's By-Law is not being used, but Groton and Northbridge's Open Space Residential Design By-Laws are. Therefore, where Holden's By-Law is being modeled after Millbury's By-Law, it may also be too complex. She said that she would like to take what they have so far, and simplify the By-Law to make it more attractive to developers.

M. Wronski wanted to know if there was any way to persuade developers to go with an 'Open Space Residential' development before going with the regular Subdivision By-Law.

D. Lindberg asked for a copy of Groton's By-Law for review.

T. Settles will also check with two or three developers from different towns to see why they used the By-Law, and what they liked about it.

154 BLAIR DRIVE, ALDEN WOODS II: Steve Stowe, resident, was invited to attend this meeting by D. Lindberg to address the Board. He moved in on February 28, 2009. There was a delay in the landscaping from February to August. His back yard is basically a marsh, and he has water in his basement. Blair has promised to fix the problem, but has not done so to date. He wants the Town Engineer to review the drainage system and issues at a number of properties. W. Ritter recommended that he send a letter to the Board and cc the Town Engineer with the problems, and what has been going on. He was told to also cc ConCom. He should document all the problems.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED - Stearns Lane, C.B. Blair Builders: W. Ritter motioned to deny on the basis of #1 - 5 of the letter to C.B. Blair Development Corp., dated October 13, 2009, from David Lindberg, Chairman, Holden Planning Board. M. Wronski seconded. Vote 6-0. Denied. Board discussion: W. Ritter motioned to add a #6. 'Clarification of the status of Stearns Lane and driveway'. All in favor to deny. Vote 6-0. Denied.

• September 22, 2009: C. Stanovich motioned to approve. M. Wronski seconded. O. Lies motioned to approve with changes. Vote 5-0. W. Ritter abstained from the vote. Approved.

November 10, 2009 at 7 PM
December 15, 2009 at 7 PM

O. Lies motioned to adjourn. C. Stanovich seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned 8:20 PM

October 13, 2009 minutes approved: December 15, 2009

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary